Recently I butted heads with a dear friend. We are alike in our passion for serving Jesus but think and operate very differently. Usually we enjoy our different personalities. This was not one of those times. There were tears and frustrations […]
Recently I butted heads with a dear friend. We are alike in our passion for serving Jesus but think and operate very differently. Usually we enjoy our different personalities. This was not one of those times. There were tears and frustrations […]
Raising four kids, my husband and I often find ourselves in the position of more places to be than time and space allow. On one such morning I was scheduled to sing on the worship team at church, my […]
I wasn’t going to write a Christmas letter this year. Mostly because my life is so daily that at times it feels like that movie Groundhog Day – except Dave is not Bill Murray so it’s not quite as funny. […]
Early this week our family made the annual trek to secure our Christmas tree. The tree selection is actually not a critical piece of our Christmas celebration. Sometimes we pick it out in October, tag it, and send daddy […]
My son has developed an unhealthy obsession. Every time we open a package in the kitchen the little imp sneaks up and snatches the box. Sometimes out of the trash. He then scampers away, giggling, to combine it with […]
Practicing medicine is fairly straightforward. Taking medical boards, not so much. The general consensus is that medical boards are sadistic tests of minutia. You might know how to treat an ear infection, but question will ask how to treat an […]
I have been participating in a daily Bible reading through IF:Equip. Yesterday we read Nehemiah 3. The passage describes a group of builders working together to rebuild different gates in Jerusalem. Name after name is listed along with which portion of the […]
I can count on one hand the number of times I have participated in a webinar of any sort. I have no patience for that sorta thing. But since I am a closet rule follower/manual reader/someone who likes to be […]
I catch my breath. I can’t believe what I am reading. Surely this can’t be right. When I read “Counties fielded reports of possible child abuse or neglect an average of seven times an hour last year in Minnesota, one […]
I never met anyone who loves his name more than my brother. When we were kids, that boy wrote his name on everything in our house. I mean, everything. He thought every object in the house should be his. And […]