To all the host moms, foster moms, aunties, friends, neighbors and grandmas loving a child whose mom is struggling … you are my heroes. You know that wee ones from hard places can easily be lost in the battles their moms […]
To all the host moms, foster moms, aunties, friends, neighbors and grandmas loving a child whose mom is struggling … you are my heroes. You know that wee ones from hard places can easily be lost in the battles their moms […]
Typically two things happen at my house when we plan to fast during Lent. First, we forget it’s Lent until about a week in. Second, we don’t make it all the way to the end before we give up. One year we tried […]
My kids used to call out to me, “Mommy! Come swim with us!” I’d see them giggling and laughing in the water, becoming me to join in their fun. My heart ached with the want to. But I usually held […]
I got the message while standing in the checkout line. We’d be hosting a nine-year old girl over spring break. I was excited to be welcoming a child into my home again and announced the news to my younger son and […]
I grew up downhill skiing on a glorified landfill at the old Playboy Club. The small town Wisconsin “ski resort” boasted just three chairlifts, a tow rope and a whisper of an incline. But to me, it was a little slice […]
While strolling through the aisles at Target, I paused in front of the fall decorations. I was captivated by garlands of golden leaves, pumpkin candles, floral centerpieces and a glittery banner that spelled out T-H-A-N-K-F-U-L. As I ran my fingers along […]
We sat on the couch at 4AM, sipping coffee. My body was numb from exhaustion and the caffeine wasn’t helping. As rain pelted the windows and the wind whistled against the house, my husband and I tried to talk him […]
When I go to the hair salon, I rarely do anything dramatic. I usually touch up my highlights, cover the dreaded grays and request a trim. This required maintenance of split ends and dark roots is a mystery to my husband. When […]
The morning was nearly perfect. I was up before 6 o’clock to sip coffee, pray and spend time reading my Bible in blissful silence. At 6:30, the kids thundered down the stairs and tumbled into the room. My littlest one leapt into my […]
When I was in high school, I was bound and determined to become a Broadway star. And in my book, grade point average didn’t really matter for a starlet heading to New York City. So I didn’t give two hoots about […]