I take care of prisoners all the time in the Emergency Department. On any given shift I see the aftermath of jailhouse fights, skirmishes with guards, needle sticks or even shenanigans orchestrated for the sole purpose of a little field […]
I take care of prisoners all the time in the Emergency Department. On any given shift I see the aftermath of jailhouse fights, skirmishes with guards, needle sticks or even shenanigans orchestrated for the sole purpose of a little field […]
It was just a silly breakout at a women’s conference. At least that is what I thought. The speaker had wrapped up her talk and issued a challenge to turn to the person beside you and share your thoughts. I […]
When I go to the hair salon, I rarely do anything dramatic. I usually touch up my highlights, cover the dreaded grays and request a trim. This required maintenance of split ends and dark roots is a mystery to my husband. When […]
She lay quietly on the bed. A slip of a woman. Nothing but skin, bones and track marks up and down her arms from IV drug use. Eyes downcast, barely able to lift her heavy head from sagging shoulders, she […]
The mess in my children’s bedroom stopped me in my tracks. Beds unmade. A tub of legos spilled onto the floor. Stuffed animals strewn in every nook and cranny. Clean, folded clothes parked on heaps dirty laundry. Wrappers and McDonald’s toys littered […]
Ours was a fairytale wedding. Madly in love, tears of joy streaming down our cheeks, we promised unwavering devotion to each other for better or worse. When we were declared husband and wife, I thought my happily ever after was […]
A wise friend once told me that when you bear witness to dysfunction, sometimes you are called to speak up and advocate for change. But sometimes you are simply called to see it. And say nothing. Recently, my family found […]
The morning was nearly perfect. I was up before 6 o’clock to sip coffee, pray and spend time reading my Bible in blissful silence. At 6:30, the kids thundered down the stairs and tumbled into the room. My littlest one leapt into my […]
When I close my eyes and think about my grandfather, my memories are cloaked in a deep sense of contentment and warmth. I remember his gentle chuckle, the twinkle in his eye and never feeling like I was a nuisance […]
I have a friend with this habit of thrusting me into awkward situations. I never know when I’ll have a surprise meeting with a stranger, meet five random people at dinner or be swept along to some exclusive event I may or may […]