To all the host moms, foster moms, aunties, friends, neighbors and grandmas loving a child whose mom is struggling … you are my heroes. You know that wee ones from hard places can easily be lost in the battles their moms […]
To all the host moms, foster moms, aunties, friends, neighbors and grandmas loving a child whose mom is struggling … you are my heroes. You know that wee ones from hard places can easily be lost in the battles their moms […]
My husband and I were handed the the death sentence of our unborn child in a dark conference room. We sat huddled together in shock, gripping hands as a kind doctor gently explained our son’s condition. With tears of disbelief streaming down my cheeks, […]
Each year, as part of the End It Movement, dozens of the leading anti-trafficking organizations band together to raise awareness, fundraise and speak out against human trafficking. Social media lights up with red X’s on wrists in a collective cry […]
She lay quietly on the bed. A slip of a woman. Nothing but skin, bones and track marks up and down her arms from IV drug use. Eyes downcast, barely able to lift her heavy head from sagging shoulders, she […]
Tonight my family gathered for dinner. I was too worn out to fuss with dishes so we dealt paper plates around the table while little hands over-filled water cups. Silverware drawers slammed. Chaos, mess, laughter, shouting. My kids were excited […]
A little boy comes running toward me, his eyes bright with glee. Jackson* throws his arms around my waist for a quick squeeze then climbs into the van to join my kids. His mom, Tonya, smiles shyly and we work […]
I love taking long walks along my picturesque country road. Out here I can be completely alone to think, pray, and just take a break. While strolling along, one thing that never fails to affront my sense of serenity is […]
I catch my breath. I can’t believe what I am reading. Surely this can’t be right. When I read “Counties fielded reports of possible child abuse or neglect an average of seven times an hour last year in Minnesota, one […]