The pandemic has done its level best to rob us of human interaction. Ubiquitous signage warn us to stay away from each other, circles on sidewalks direct us where to stand and partitions in schools keep kids apart. That is […]
The pandemic has done its level best to rob us of human interaction. Ubiquitous signage warn us to stay away from each other, circles on sidewalks direct us where to stand and partitions in schools keep kids apart. That is […]
Two little girls stood staring across the screen door. Curious. Hesitant. Surveying each-other. Both wore ridiculous dresses adorned with miles of ruffles. Both had disheveled blonde hair and cheeks flushed red from exertion. They could have been looking in the mirror. […]
I pulled into my driveway weary. The kids were grouchy, antsy and griping that they were hungry. I pleaded with my daughter to take her brother sledding while I made dinner. They both moaned in protest and launched a negotiation […]
Anyone who’d ever stayed at Bonnie’s raved about her gift for hospitality. As I set my bags down, I quickly understood why. The guest room pulled me in like a warm hug. The bed was piled with soft pillows and […]
I’m a ninja at turning my schedule into a game of Tetris. And I am good. Very, very good. Since I knew a two week period contained multiple long meetings and deadlines, I artfully scheduled golf camp and horse camp around […]
It was just a silly breakout at a women’s conference. At least that is what I thought. The speaker had wrapped up her talk and issued a challenge to turn to the person beside you and share your thoughts. I […]
My son’s yearbook spins a tale of happy kids making their way through the adventures of kindergarten. But behind the pictures of toothless grins in front of lockers, giggles with classmates and explorations on field trips, a completely different story was playing […]
I just glanced in the mirror and it’s not looking pretty. This ill-fitting shirt accentuates my love of sugar, my makeup-free skin is blotchy and my lackluster hair is hanging limp around my tired face. It would be tempting to pull […]
A wise friend once told me that when you bear witness to dysfunction, sometimes you are called to speak up and advocate for change. But sometimes you are simply called to see it. And say nothing. Recently, my family found […]
Let me introduce you to my daughter. She is kind. She is sincere. She is witty. She takes care of her siblings with nary a complaint. She is everything a teenager should be … bright, fresh-faced and stepping onto the […]