I pulled into my driveway weary. The kids were grouchy, antsy and griping that they were hungry. I pleaded with my daughter to take her brother sledding while I made dinner. They both moaned in protest and launched a negotiation […]
I pulled into my driveway weary. The kids were grouchy, antsy and griping that they were hungry. I pleaded with my daughter to take her brother sledding while I made dinner. They both moaned in protest and launched a negotiation […]
Disney World was feeling anything but magical. The heat index was 114 and I thought I would melt right into the sidewalk. My annoyance over the oppressive heat was rivaled only by my irritation that it was so crowded. We weaved through […]
I am nailing it as a mom this week. Our fridge is empty. The pantry is a joke. My kids have eaten ramen for breakfast and lunch three days in a row. And I am not exaggerating. My seven-year-old doesn’t […]
I can’t think of a better place to people watch than the county fair. All God’s children show up to enjoy the exhibits and food. So do their parents and grandparents and even their dogs. And I’ve come to the […]
My kids used to call out to me, “Mommy! Come swim with us!” I’d see them giggling and laughing in the water, becoming me to join in their fun. My heart ached with the want to. But I usually held […]
We mark the anniversary of our son’s birth and death every year on his birthday. It’s our tradition to visit his grave to eat cake and let the kids send balloons to their brother in Heaven. Each year, I sweep the weeds […]
While strolling through the aisles at Target, I paused in front of the fall decorations. I was captivated by garlands of golden leaves, pumpkin candles, floral centerpieces and a glittery banner that spelled out T-H-A-N-K-F-U-L. As I ran my fingers along […]
My son’s yearbook spins a tale of happy kids making their way through the adventures of kindergarten. But behind the pictures of toothless grins in front of lockers, giggles with classmates and explorations on field trips, a completely different story was playing […]
In keeping with a tradition that I have a hard time keeping up with, I give you the Haveman highlights from 2016… The majority of last year was spent in anticipation of a new kitchen. And after six months of […]
I have a confession to make. I always thought I had it worse than all of you regular school moms this time of year. While you were jumping for joy to have your kids out of the house on the […]