Did you stop writing? I have been asked this question countless times over the past several months. Aside from the surprise that anyone noticed, I silently cringe at these inquiries. Because I have no real answer. Yes? No? Maybe just […]
Did you stop writing? I have been asked this question countless times over the past several months. Aside from the surprise that anyone noticed, I silently cringe at these inquiries. Because I have no real answer. Yes? No? Maybe just […]
It’s hard to live in Minnesota in March. Already weary from the long winter, it feels so unfair to wake up to forecasts of snow, cold and rain while the rest of the country is walking on sunshine. We are […]
A couple of years ago I arrived home one day to find a Ninja blender on my driveway. Confused, I brought it inside and called Kohl’s to ask what happened. Apparently my account had been hacked and the perpetrator ordered […]
The mess in my children’s bedroom stopped me in my tracks. Beds unmade. A tub of legos spilled onto the floor. Stuffed animals strewn in every nook and cranny. Clean, folded clothes parked on heaps dirty laundry. Wrappers and McDonald’s toys littered […]
My children compete in speed gaming events on their horses. One of their favorite games is called pole pole bending. In this event, six poles are set up 21 feet apart in a straight line. The object is to run […]
Ten years ago, my grandma went to be with Jesus. Her death was unexpected and left the family reeling. Ten years later, I still acutely feel the loss. And I often write about her profound influence on my life. I […]
When I was young, I used to lie in bed at night and pray for my future husband. I was enamored with the knowledge that the boy I’d marry was out in the world somewhere, a stranger growing up in […]
One month ago I was discouraged. I was trying to plan a summer trip to some sort of national park and was coming up short. Never having taken a family vacation outside of visiting family and two highly scheduled trips to Disney, […]
I can count on one hand the number of times I have participated in a webinar of any sort. I have no patience for that sorta thing. But since I am a closet rule follower/manual reader/someone who likes to be […]