The kids were dropped off, the kitchen cleaned and the laundry started. I was just about to sit down for some quiet time when my phone rang. Breathless and desperate, my twelve-year-old daughter lamented that she’d left her art homework […]
The kids were dropped off, the kitchen cleaned and the laundry started. I was just about to sit down for some quiet time when my phone rang. Breathless and desperate, my twelve-year-old daughter lamented that she’d left her art homework […]
My husband and I were handed the the death sentence of our unborn child in a dark conference room. We sat huddled together in shock, gripping hands as a kind doctor gently explained our son’s condition. With tears of disbelief streaming down my cheeks, […]
She was so quiet. An observer more than a talker. Cautious, gentle and a bit sad. We were hosting her through Together for Good and I’d just finished tucking her in for the night. I lingered at the edge of the […]
The moment a child is placed in your arms, your are faced with two seemingly opposing objectives: protect her from the world and prepare her for it. Its like a cosmic scale that slowly tips from protection to preparation as […]
Anyone who’d ever stayed at Bonnie’s raved about her gift for hospitality. As I set my bags down, I quickly understood why. The guest room pulled me in like a warm hug. The bed was piled with soft pillows and […]
Each year, as part of the End It Movement, dozens of the leading anti-trafficking organizations band together to raise awareness, fundraise and speak out against human trafficking. Social media lights up with red X’s on wrists in a collective cry […]
I take care of prisoners all the time in the Emergency Department. On any given shift I see the aftermath of jailhouse fights, skirmishes with guards, needle sticks or even shenanigans orchestrated for the sole purpose of a little field […]
I remember a time in middle school when my friend was slapped by her mom. Apparently she had turned up her nose at whatever was being offered for dinner that night. Frustrated, her mom asked her how she would like […]
A little boy comes running toward me, his eyes bright with glee. Jackson* throws his arms around my waist for a quick squeeze then climbs into the van to join my kids. His mom, Tonya, smiles shyly and we work […]
I never met anyone who loves his name more than my brother. When we were kids, that boy wrote his name on everything in our house. I mean, everything. He thought every object in the house should be his. And […]