To all the host moms, foster moms, aunties, friends, neighbors and grandmas loving a child whose mom is struggling … you are my heroes. You know that wee ones from hard places can easily be lost in the battles their moms […]
To all the host moms, foster moms, aunties, friends, neighbors and grandmas loving a child whose mom is struggling … you are my heroes. You know that wee ones from hard places can easily be lost in the battles their moms […]
The kids were dropped off, the kitchen cleaned and the laundry started. I was just about to sit down for some quiet time when my phone rang. Breathless and desperate, my twelve-year-old daughter lamented that she’d left her art homework […]
Two little girls stood staring across the screen door. Curious. Hesitant. Surveying each-other. Both wore ridiculous dresses adorned with miles of ruffles. Both had disheveled blonde hair and cheeks flushed red from exertion. They could have been looking in the mirror. […]
My husband and I were handed the the death sentence of our unborn child in a dark conference room. We sat huddled together in shock, gripping hands as a kind doctor gently explained our son’s condition. With tears of disbelief streaming down my cheeks, […]
I can’t think of a better place to people watch than the county fair. All God’s children show up to enjoy the exhibits and food. So do their parents and grandparents and even their dogs. And I’ve come to the […]
Anyone who’d ever stayed at Bonnie’s raved about her gift for hospitality. As I set my bags down, I quickly understood why. The guest room pulled me in like a warm hug. The bed was piled with soft pillows and […]
I’m a ninja at turning my schedule into a game of Tetris. And I am good. Very, very good. Since I knew a two week period contained multiple long meetings and deadlines, I artfully scheduled golf camp and horse camp around […]
My seven-year-old didn’t want any part of the piano recital. He fought me on the song choice, refused to practice and balked at my insistence that he shower and put on a decent outfit. I knew that all of this was […]
For several years, I hosted the same boys over and over again. These kids counted my home as their second home and my family as their extended family. They were familiar with my quirky sense of humor and squealed with delight when […]
Each year, as part of the End It Movement, dozens of the leading anti-trafficking organizations band together to raise awareness, fundraise and speak out against human trafficking. Social media lights up with red X’s on wrists in a collective cry […]