For several years, I hosted the same boys over and over again. These kids counted my home as their second home and my family as their extended family. They were familiar with my quirky sense of humor and squealed with delight when […]
For several years, I hosted the same boys over and over again. These kids counted my home as their second home and my family as their extended family. They were familiar with my quirky sense of humor and squealed with delight when […]
I got the message while standing in the checkout line. We’d be hosting a nine-year old girl over spring break. I was excited to be welcoming a child into my home again and announced the news to my younger son and […]
Each year, as part of the End It Movement, dozens of the leading anti-trafficking organizations band together to raise awareness, fundraise and speak out against human trafficking. Social media lights up with red X’s on wrists in a collective cry […]
Facebook was founded in 2004, nearly three years after I had my first child. So when I embarked on this parenting thing, I didn’t have access to everyone’s opinion about everything. Schedule or no schedule? Commercial or homemade baby food? […]
She lay quietly on the bed. A slip of a woman. Nothing but skin, bones and track marks up and down her arms from IV drug use. Eyes downcast, barely able to lift her heavy head from sagging shoulders, she […]
I have a feisty friend with an uncanny knack for sniffing out every freebie, bargain and giveaway on the planet. When I was a new mom, this friend easily roped me into her money-saving shenanigans. Thanks to her, I found […]
I sit looking at two stuffed bears sitting side by side. Two bears well-loved by two boys who love each other. One is my son’s bear. For six years, this blue bear has been his constant companion. He drags it […]
Ten years ago, my grandma went to be with Jesus. Her death was unexpected and left the family reeling. Ten years later, I still acutely feel the loss. And I often write about her profound influence on my life. I […]
I vividly remember the moment the nativity story came to life for me. I was ten years old and languishing through a midnight Christmas service. My exasperated mother had just roundly disciplined me for provoking my brother. And I wasn’t […]
My heart holds sweet memories of every child I’ve ever hosted. Tucking them into bed. Laughing with them at funny mishaps and hugging them tight when they were hurt. Watching each one develop friendships with my children. Reading stories and talking about God. Getting to […]